Member-only story
Why is it harder to think creatively working from home?
Is it because we’re missing the daily commute?
Where were you the last time you had a ‘lightbulb’ moment?…
You know the ones. That amazing idea or solution to a long-standing problem that pops into your head when you least expect it.
You might have been in the shower…perhaps mowing the lawn… or cooking dinner… Maybe you should have been listening to someone or something important but zoned out due to the magnitude of the idea that suddenly hit you, like the apple falling on the head of Newton.
We’ve all been there. And that’s the beauty of an ‘aha moment’.
We’re all capable of those ‘aha moments’ — we just need to understand the environment and stimulus our brain needs to solve a problem — then we can have those breakthrough moments whenever we want!
We’ve been looking into the science behind this …
How the brain ‘Eurekas’
The brain is split into two main parts — the left and right hemispheres.
On the left are your rational thoughts and analytical processes, while the right-hand side is focused more on your emotions, which includes creativity and abstract thinking.